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 Is it too early to think about REF2027?


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You may be screaming ‘Yes’ to the title of this webinar, but we know that the REF, for good or ill, will not be ignored for long. Many of you are probably in your institutions fielding ‘what next?’ questions while still deeply involved in post-REF analysis. Whatever shape the next assessment exercise may take, this is your opportunity to hear from University of Bristol and Northumbria University about the different approaches these institutions took to prepare for REF2021, to reflect on what they’ve learned and how this will shape their future plans. 

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Sophie Collet

Sophie is Director of Strategy, Information and Operations in the Division of Research & Enterprise at the University of Bristol. She leads across a range of integrated functions including strategic operations, research strategy, research and impact evaluation, and research information systems.  She is also responsible for the effective delivery of the University’s submissions to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) and Knowledge Exchange (KE) Concordat, and oversees Bristol Doctoral College. Sophie has a degree in Zoology and Psychology, and a PhD in behavioural biology from the University of Bristol.

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Alisha Peart 

Alisha is Research Impact Manager at Northumbria University. She is an experienced programme manager, grant development manager, and now a research impact specialist. Alisha jointly led the transformative change in the research impact culture at Northumbria University, culminating in the outstanding success for Northumbria in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework Assessment. Alisha is also the Impact Special Interest Group Co-Lead for the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA). She has presented and delivered training at national/international conferences and workshops.

Guest Speakers

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hosted by
saskia walcott

Since 2010 Saskia has worked with universities to train and mentor academics on how to embed impact in their work and to develop cultures that facilitate research impact. She has assisted with the development of 100s of REF impact case studies for REF 2014 and REF 2021. Before working independently, Saskia worked at UKRI and the University of Bath. She joined the ARMA Board in 2021.

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